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Hearing about the successes and life changing power that my clients have received gives me chills. This is why I commit my life to this. To affect the lives of people around me and propel them to places they never believed they could reach. Thank you to all of my wonderful clients who remind me everyday why I do what I do.

Testimonials: Testimonials


I wanted to acknowledge you for who you are and how you show up for others. Every call we have had has made a huge difference for me. I never walked away from a call with you and said I didn’t get anything out of it. Some of the calls we’ve had has hit me to my core. It shifted my confidence. It shifted my views/perceptions. It shifted my emotions. It shifted my relationship with myself and others. And most importantly... my circumstances didn’t change but who I am in the matter shifted. And that’s profound!!! 

I am left with a clear space to restore my own power and I can leave all the garbage aside. I have a choice. I am not run by it. I can continue to carry the garbage or I can set it aside. It’s my free choice and after our calls I am still getting value from it. I start to question my negative self-talk because I can see my negative thoughts. I ask myself, is it true? Where is the threat? What am I fearing? I start to ask myself questions because you ask me questions that made me get out of my automatic mode. I had to think. I had to come from a place of generating and not on autopilot.  

Being present gives me clarity.  I have to say, when I’m left to my own mind it doesn’t go well. It leads me down a dark hole and I end up stuck there for a long time. Your coaching has helped me so much. I see you being as big if not bigger than Tony Robbins and that’s a compliment. LOL 

I was so happy after your coaching. It shifted me. I know I told you that I actually enjoyed cleaning my house. I played with my kids. I laughed so much and so hard. I was present. I was even happy!!! I wasn’t grumpy, moody and irritated. My kids told me it’s so much fun to color with mommy! We had a coloring competition. It’s so awesome to be out of that negative space and focused and present. I know I’ll have moments that will trigger me and I’ll be able to snap out of it faster next time around.  

So thank you !!!! I want to be a badass like you! 

Also I’m excited for the new possibilities showing up for me in real estate. Thanks again!!!!!!!! Even today, I had a few incidents that weren’t positive. My mind went to all this negative stuff. I started to feel it in my body. I felt tense, a little upset, overwhelmed and pressured. But then I could hear your questions. “Is it true?” I stayed with that question in several areas and then I asked myself, Who’s doing this? Others or me? Then I looked for hard evidence. Of course, it was only my thoughts, beliefs, perceptions. And I slowly gave it up. I was able to finally relax and I communicated to the people that triggered me. I restored my integrity there and my power. I was able to take care of my needs and not have that resentment there on others. No pointing the blame on anyone.  

I call that a damn breakthrough!

Anissa G

Get in Touch

Justin is a mindful listener, action-oriented communicator, and an amazing human being.  He’s challenged me to view and act in ways that fully embrace the person I’m out to become.  Justin’s supported my journey as a leader in my personal and professional life, where I had doubts about being front and center, and now I’m can choose to stand in it.  I’d highly recommend him.

JQ - Business Owner


Jeremy Q

“We know what we are, but not what we may be”

William Shakespeare

Fall Foliage
Testimonials: Quote
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